Kathmandu University (KU) received a grant of NPR 10 million from University Grant Commission (UGC) to establish and operate the incubation centre at KU. Additionally, EnergizeNepal program has allocated a fund of NPR 4 million for establishing and supporting the innovation-based start-ups in the field of Energy and climate change. These funds will be channelized through Knowledge Utilization, Innovation, and Incubation Centre (KUIIC), a profit-not-distributing company established by KU to promote the business activities within the University and facilitated by KU Business Incubation Centre (KUBIC). KUBIC will work on capacity building, assisting start-up and early stage companies by linking them to a network of services from financial sectors, legal assistance to interested industries. The incubator will also support the candidate business by providing the workspace, office facilities, counselling to develop, sustain, and prosper within an agreed time frame with the goal of graduating them with a sound financial foundation. This proposal call is targeted at the business enthusiasts with an idea, that has the potential to be scaled up and to make profit. The expected impacts of this support are
mid-scale business enterprises creating jobs and contributing to economic development of
the nation on the long run.