Overview of Research on Renewable Energy

Energize Nepal is currently supporting 11 new research on Renewable Energy. Out of these 11 new research projects, 6 projects are almost at the end of the planned research and is in the edge to develop new products (Turgo runner and Algal fuel pellets) and services (energy efficient building design guidelines). Two projects are in peak of their research and are expected to develop new products and services by end of next year. Whereas, 3 projects have just completed their inception phase. 

For next phase ENEP has target to involve total of 20 institutions in research activities, as of now already 33 institutions/stakeholders have been engaged in research in the sector.

Glimpse of Renewable research  Projects

Thematic Projects

Research and development to establish a commercially viable locally-constructed Turgo Turbine for low cost renewable electricity generation in rural Nepal
Renewable energy 3
Integrated system for sustainable production of algal fuel pellet in Nepal
Energy Efficient Building Design for Nepal
A pilot study to produce bioenergy and fertilizer from Kathmandu University's food waste
Capacity and Competence development for intriducing Francis Turbine in Neplease Micro Hydropower Project
Waste Based Sustainable Biorefinery for the Prodiuction of Bio-hythane and Bio-chemical
Micro-grid Management and control systems to provide efficient energy solutions in the mountainous region of Nepal
Upscaling Locally manufactured Turgo Turbine: Dissemination and Demonstration

Strategic Projects

Enhancing energy management of community electrification througb technological and policy research
Technical Investigation of Tunnel Support Technology in Hydropower Projects Located in the Himalayan Region of Nepal
Enhancement of design and manufacturing capacity of Francis turbine in Nepal
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