EnergizeNepal Program (ENEP) and Nepal Technology Innovation Center (NTIC) at Kathmandu University organized an Entrepreneur’s Story Tales Program with the theme of “Journeys of Success & Grit” on March 2, 2023. The objective of the program is to encourage and motivate young people to be entrepreneurs by sharing a success and failure journey of an entrepreneur’s story.
On this very first episode of the story telling, Ms. Nikita Acharya CEO & Co-founder of Urban Girl & UG cakes joined us and shared her entrepreneurial journey highlighting the importance of understanding the need and demands as per the situation for the sustainability of the business. She also stated the fact that creating a team is a bit challenging so one should be wise while deciding whom to work with as well as stated that the team that is being created should include people of various domains with the same mission and vision. She shared her journey of establishing e-commerce business when there were barely any businesses that had gone online and without any government policies. Mainly Ms. Acharya highlighted the importance of collaboration and willingness of growing together for the startups and small business to sustain. She also encouraged the participants to actively participate in requesting the government and stakeholders to build better policies and to create a healthy ecosystem of entrepreneurship. She also stated that it is important to have the ability of taking risk and problem solving attitude in order to meet the mission and vision one has set.
She provided her ideas and ways to deal with the stress that comes along with the business. She answered that problems are there everywhere but it is the approach and handling of a person or business that matters when it comes to solving it. She also said that in situations which are not in the hands of a person or business we can consult with the experts to sort out the problem.
The session was attended by the students, faculties & grantees of the business incubation startup program.