EnergizeNepal is proud to be associated with the community of Madan Kudari,Kavre in enhancing the efficiency of Chauri Khola II Micro Hydro Project (CKMHP) with the objective of
Increasing power production from Chauri Khola-II Micro-Hydro Project power plant with socio-economic benefits for local community.
Developing infrastructures at Chauri Khola-II Micro-Hydro Project power plant for testing Micro hydro turbine
On 3rd March 2022, Associate Professor Brijesh Adhikari (Associate Dean, SOE,KU) , Operation & Management Committee (OMC) members, EnergizeNepal Team and Research Assistants paid a visit to Madan Kudari in order to study the impact of the project titled “Capacity and Competence development for introducing Francis Turbine in Nepalese Micro Hydropower Project (ENEP-RENP-II-18-03) in community and to discuss future plans in further enhancement of the hydropower.
EnergizeNepal and School of Engineering, Kathmandu University will always be happy to be associated with the project if needed in coming future.