EnergizeNepal Program (ENEP) funded by The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), managed by Kathmandu University and Nepal Technology Innovation Center – NTIC, a KOICA-funded project jointly organized orientation program and workshop session on “Golden Circle and Value Proposition” for the newly selected KUBI applicants on January 4, 2022. The session was conducted by Mr. Niraj Khanal, CEO & Co-founder, Antarprerana and Mr. Ashim Shrestha, Business Incubation Manager, Antarprerana. The participants actively participated in the workshop session and put their concerns and queries for the effective and successful running of their business operations. Meanwhile, Dr. Bijay Thapa Program Manager shared his experiences and lesson learnt from his enterprises journey in different companies. The session concluded with remarks from Mr. Ramesh Ghimire, SI Program Lead, NTIC/IRDP in regards to workplan and process for Startup and Business Incubation Program.