On March 23, 2022 Engineer form EnergizeNepal, Research Assistant from the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Kathmandu University, representatives from Krishna Grill and Engineering Works (Industrial Partner), and Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC) visited Marangburu Solar Energy Micro-grid Project, Jahada-07, Biratnagar for the installation and monitoring of the GPRS based Remote Monitoring System. The system was successfully installed with the support of the (AEPC). This system is designed for remote management and control of Micro-grids.
This project titled “Micro-grid management and control systems to provide efficient energy solutions in the mountainous region of Nepal” was supported by EnergizeNepal and led by Asst. Prof. Dr Anup Thapa from the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Kathmandu University in Partnership with Zurich University of Applied Science, and Krishna Grill and Engineering Works.